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Uso de international socialism en inglés
One of the surprises of the War was the complete breakdown of internationalsocialism.
Talks on internationalsocialism were given in far-flung places, and Colin always went armed with his Good Food Guide, usually in a Harrods carrier bag.
She made the work in 1999: a recording of her voice, singing this anthem of internationalsocialism, was installed in an underpass in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Coughlin on communists in the White House: The president "shares the responsibility of having endorsed a most radical leaning towards internationalsocialism or Sovietism."
The policy of the Grand Orient is thus avowedly InternationalSocialism.
InternationalSocialism has not the slightest interest in helping to bolster up this supremacy (p. 22).
No man in the whole history of internationalSocialism ever more thoroughly despised this species of political opportunism than George Plechanov.